This page lists links to different galleries dedicated to my books. It's a fun project all in all in which I get to entertain visitors with a glimpse of how each book came about -- sources of inspiration ranging from art to real people, fictional characters in any media, stories in print or in films or TV, music, etc. Everything that I fancy sharing with visitors to this site will be laid out in pretty expansive detail.
That said, I won't be posting everything that went behind the creation of a story because the process is always a lot more complicated than what a single page of images and videos can convey. The information will depend on what I decide to focus on. And so each book will have its own gallery page, and each page will be added to this one with each new book published.
The following pages follow a chronological sequence according to release date, starting from the most recent book at the top.
♦ THE PERFECT ROCHESTER -- The inspiration for Narcisse's love interest is discussed as is the use of dreams in the book. There's a more expanded take on mythology as well, and two music videos represent each of the romantic pair in the book.
♦ VOICES IN THE BRIARS -- I go over not only inspiration from history and folklore, but also more troubling prejudices in conjunction with attitudes among those in power. Visuals that got me going in setting and characterization as well as a video inspiration of a very specific interpretation of a ballet are shared.
♦ THE DUBIOUS COMMODE -- Extra character visual inspiration focusing on Felicity, Brody, and Mr. Headley are included. There's also a quick exploration of how my love for epistolary fiction came about plus the pitfalls of the narrative form I tried to avoid. A bonus video is one that I consider the series' theme song.
♦ NIGHTSHADE'S EMPORIUM -- I get to talk about all the fun stuff that went behind the writing of this book. There's a humorous take on supermodels, Greek Mythology, and ephemera plus a super fun video highlighting the romantic dynamic between the main character and his destined beloved.
♦ ADA AND THE SINGING SKULL -- Focuses on how I envisioned Prue, Freddy, and Jonathan with the use of real people whose appearance comes the closest to my own mental image of them. There's also a music video and a reference to a Victorian ghost story, both of which inspired the story.
♦ THE HOUSE OF ASH -- I discuss different modern artists' works that have inspired the characters of Helena and Crispin primarily. Included are other key elements in the book and what real life objects and people that gave me some great ideas on what to do with them.
♦ THE HEART OF AMEINIAS -- I extol the virtues of Narcissus, romantic ruins, and kitschy villages that give my characters stress headaches from too much positivity. Oddly enough, the music video is the complete opposite in tone and in other things, but it works!
♦ PRIMAVERA -- The book's beginnings and the reverse method of writing Adam's story is discussed. Lots of inspiration from classical music and art, plus influences from my Catholic background. This is the first book I've written that's a measured mix of a standard narrative and epistolary fiction.
♦ THE RUSTED LILY --The book's primary inspiration in both legend and literature are discussed as well as a pretty surprising musical angle. I'm apparently a massive fan of a very specific depiction of a Catholic saint, and that's also explored.
♦ A CASTLE FOR ROWENA -- My literary muses are explored, along with my own take on classic ghost fiction or haunted house fiction. There's no musical inspiration to be had here, but there's a full episode of a Sherlock Holmes mystery for everyone's enjoyment.