I've been sick, hence my radio silence over here. I've only had enough energy to check out the nightly chatter thread at Joe My God, and that's it. The last two weeks were rough, and while I'm much better now, I'm still putting up with residual coughing. I was supposed to post more about the two books currently on sale this month, but NOPE! That ship's gone, and all my energy levels and enthusiasm for it went with it.
But never say never. I'll rustle up a couple more posts about the books before the month's end since we'll be shifting gears with new books to put on sale for February.
My bout with a bad cold for two weeks also threw me off my game with my WiP, and again, I very nearly ditched the book and started over with a completely new one (The Twilight Lover). As I'm still not completely out of the woods yet, today's writing was sluggish but much less so than before. I'm also going back and inserting new chapters to fix the issues that've been messing with my head for a while now. It's working so far, but there'll be major tweaks I'll need to do with those chapters I've already written. As I type this post, we're at close to 50% of the book, which is terrific.
Speaking of which, I'm once again reminded to get going on the gallery page for The Perfect Rochester, a book that keeps tempting me with an earlier release date. So far, as wonderful as it sounds, I refuse -- REFUSE, YOU HEAR ME? -- to cave in. Not today, Satan!
It's still on for March 1 even though I've been done with it for close to a quarter of a year now, and I hope to keep that gap up (even increase it slightly) for future books. And that's part of the reason why I'm not giving up on Compline and starting over either with this book or with another. There's no excuse in my case, anyway, since it's not even writer's block that's bogging down my progress. It's that mysterious wrench that's been jamming the spokes, and I have to keep analyzing what I've written down to see what's not working.
In other news, I've decided to buy Flow and own it outright as I love the movie so much it's worth paying for and watching several times over. I'm actually not a big film collector. I used to own a few VHS tapes and then a few DVDs, but over the years I didn't bother to replace my entertainment center when things broke down and ended up donating what I had.
Nowadays, with streaming services everywhere, I buy streaming movies, but I'm extremely picky about them. When before I used to have half a bookcase of tapes and DVDs, now I can count on one hand the movies I own on streaming. And Flow just made it because LOVE.
Anyway, that's it for now. I figured I owe visitors to this site (those who aren't bots, that is) a quick update following nearly two weeks of silence. I hope to get back here tomorrow and talk some more about this month's Backlist Bonanza titles and might condense both books into one post. We'll see.
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