July 05, 2024

Bless Long Weekends

Oh, my lord, I didn't expect this. Firstly we were given today off when it wasn't in our work calendar until now. I guess it helped that we're also so far ahead in our workload that we can afford to chill for a four-day weekend. Booyah to that!

Secondly, with the Bay Area going through a heat wave (as in heat advisory levels all the way), I've confined myself indoors for two days in a row. Thursday and Friday being normal work days for me, I was at a loose end yesterday even after doing the laundry (a normal Thursday chore). Sooooooo...

I dug out the file and wrote another chapter even after completing the required single chapter earlier on, and I ended up getting two chapters done, a shocker of an event that was repeated today, too. I originally had next weekend pegged for the completion of Voices in the Briars in its initial draft form, but it's going to happen this weekend instead because of the unexpected holiday break. 

I only have two chapters left to do, which means I'll be able to tackle each on Saturday and Sunday. 

So yay!

That said, I'm not changing the release date from Nov. 1, however tempting it might be to do just that given this early completion. I'll just keep going with whatever's next on my plate once the edits and revisions are done.

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